my hair is naturally blonde but about 3 years ago i started to dye it brown, then black.
now i really want my blonde hair back and if its possibe i would like to go platinum blonde.
is it possible to do this without making all my hair fall out?
iv heard that i would need to dye it a golden colour first then dye it blonde,
and iv also heard that i need to just bleach it straight away.
any advice would be verrrrry helpful :]
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
do highlights first then work your way to blonde DONT bleach it .. unless you want your hair to break off
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
okay ill be honest...
i have black-darkbrown hair. i tried to go platinum blonde and my hair turned orange and yellowish. it looked awful. try going lighter by a lighter brown and keep moving up, or just go to a professional and let them do it. don't do a bleach kit, thats what i did and honestly it burnt my scalp and i lost chunks of hair. not healthy at all.
good luck :)
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
your hair is going to break off
my friend did that a few months ago, its was a black/dark brown sort of colour, and then she went blonde and had to get it cut really short befroe it was just dead and dry.
go to a hairdresser and get it done professionally, but expect it to be expensive
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
Don't bleach it. Let it grow out naturaly and trim it every month. If you bleach it you'll come out with funny colored, or just plain ruined, hair. But then again maybe if you're lucky and find a excellent hair dresser, maybe they can help you more than us at Yahoo! Answers can. Good luck God bless good health.
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
Dont dye it platinum blonde straight away that would damage your hair
what i think is best for you to do is dye it slowly.. maybe every month ..
from black to medium brown medium brown to light brown from light brown to blonde just do it slowly so you can still have healthy hair...
if your willing to be patient. :)
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
whatever u do...dont expect to b platinum after only one session. technically u could do it..but u would most def risk having ur hair fall out. you will probably have to bleach it a few times...especially to get it that white/platinum color.and make sure to deep condition ur hair in between and not to wash it every day. the natural oils of your hair are VERY good and significant when trying to keep your hair healthy. ALso. get ready for some breakage. =[ the bleach REALLY dries out and makes your hair brittle. SO advice is to be PATIENT with your hair. even if it looks gross and orange in between each bleach need to give your hair a break of about 3 days in between each session. =] good luck!
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
from personal experiance.
ive gone from having black hair for 5 years to now platinum blonde.
it took AGES and it was hard.
i had to put up with having orange hair for a few weeks.
but its do-able.
just use a normal bleach, preferably a blue bleach ( it wont wreck your hair as much)
and try and get the color as even as possible.
it will go yellowish orange.
get toner and tone it...
i think the best two toners would have to be schwarzkopf bloned toner(be careful if you leave it in for to long it may turn your hair slightly purple)
or decore toner you can leave it in for upto an hour but you may get slight grey tones if left it for to long.
thats what i did to mine like three times and now its white =D
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
since you have had so much color on your hair, the best thing to do is to start with blonde lowlights on the crown area. and then slowly take it to the rest of the head. that way you can hide the breakage and other damages....
try finding a salon where they use good products like goldwell. they'll probably be abit on the expensive side but you'll get the color u want with less damaging.
I've used it on alot of my clients... and i really like it .
hope this helps
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
i think that natural hair colour is always the best so just slowly die it back to blonde, maybe not from black then to blonde cuz that's pretty full on. Yeah your hair will prob fall out if you bleach it
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
Sjoe that is a hard one. I am not going to lie to you Your hair is going to be very dry and you have to know using a salon shampoo and treatments on a weekly basis is a must. I say do it in stages. Doing full foil highlights each time ( 3-4 visit over the next 6 months) and if you hair is long be prepaired to cut some off. It is not good for your hair but if you really want to do it I understand....
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
Platinum blonde is almost white. If you have really healthy hair and skin, you'll look fine. It also depends on your skin tone. Pale skin will look washed out with platinum blonde. If I were you, I wouldn't dye my hair this color, but since I am not you, I can only give you advice. I haven't really dyed my hair, but this is what I've learned from people who have. Bleaching your hair is probably important whilst dying it platinum blonde. My friend dyed her hair pink and had to bleach it. She said it was the worst thing she's ever done. Her hair is falling out and is broken and has horrible split ends. I've never heard about the golden hair thing, but that probably isn't a good idea. Keep your hair color. It's probably what's best for you and probably best for your hair's health and well being. Hope this helps!
My hair is black and i want to go platinum blonde, advice?
I use "born blonde" by clariol. get the MAXI one..its the works really well. if you have long hair, buy two boxes. at wal mart is 8.99, and CVS its 12.99 so whichever is closest to you i guess. but put it on the full 90 mins and it might turn orange but then just get a toner. that will help. plus, go to sallys beauty supply and get "shimmer lights" shampoo. its a purple bottle and its a purple shampoo, it will help take out any brassiness you have in your hair after you dye it. good luck!!
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